What To Do If You Experience A Dental Emergency In Whittier
Dental emergencies can strike at any time, but sometimes you need to know the right steps to ensure the best outcomes for your oral health. Not every dental issue is an emergency. Nonetheless, you require dental emergency care if you have bleeding that would not stop, the discomfort that does not go away with medication, or fractured facial bones.
What is a dental emergency?
Any dental issue that needs immediate attention is referred to as an emergency. For example, if a tooth is knocked out see if it will fit back in place. If so, try to gently put it back in place and hold it there until you can get to the Emergency Dentist in Whittier. Sometimes even the smallest problems can quickly become serious if they are not treated right away, so don’t wait until it is too late before seeking help. If you are currently experiencing a dental emergency in Whittier and are looking for an immediate solution, please contact Brian Choi DMD dental in WHITTIER, CA. We offer same-day appointments and specialized services from experienced staff to care for your every need.
Type Of Dental Emergencies
Damaged or Chipped Teeth
Warm water should be used to rinse the mouth, including any broken bits. Apply a piece of gauze to the area for a few minutes or until the bleeding stops if there is any bleeding. To reduce swelling and ease discomfort, place a cool compress against the exterior of the mouth, cheek, or lip next to the broken or chipped tooth. See the Emergency Dentist in Whittier as soon as you can.
A Painful Toothache
Start by giving your mouth a good rinse with warm water. To get rid of any stuck food, use dental floss. Use a cold compress on the cheek or the outside of your mouth if it is swollen. Use over-the-counter analgesics like acetaminophen, naproxen, or ibuprofen to ease your discomfort. (Aspirin and other painkillers should never be placed directly on the gums or teeth as this could cause gum tissue to burn.) See the dentist as soon as you can.
When You Lost Crown
If you experience a lost crown as a dental emergency in Whittier, your first step should be to contact your dentist. Most dental emergencies can be quickly evaluated, and treatment starts immediately. If your crown falls off and you experience pain, your permanent crown is no longer there to protect the underlying tooth. Your dentist may recommend an appointment within the next few hours.
When You Have Lost Filling
Use over-the-counter dental cement or place a piece of sugarless gum in the cavity as a temporary fix (gum with sugar will hurt). See the Emergency Dentist in Whittier as soon as you can.
What to do in a dental emergency?
Dental emergencies are scary, but knowing what to do beforehand can help you feel more secure and take control of the situation. Knowing what dental professionals recommend will make you feel more confident, too. If you need a dentist after regular business hours, many of them have an emergency number you can call. Visit your local emergency department or an urgent care facility.
Any damage to your mouth that results in uncontrollable bleeding, excruciating pain, or fractured facial bones is considered a dental emergency. An unattended dental emergency can result in even worse problems, such as infection spread, mobile teeth, and tooth loss. The key is a prompt, effective treatment. Calling your Emergency Dentist in Whittier should be your first action if you have a dental emergency. Then, until you can get to Brian Choi DMD dental in WHITTIER, CA office, follow some home care tips.